Master JavaScript Scopes in 6 Minutes

Understanding the different scopes in JavaScript is essential for writing clean, efficient, and bug-free code. Let's explore the six types of scope in JavaScript: Global Scope, Local Scope (Function Scope), Block Scope, Lexical Scope, Module Scope, and Script Scope.

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Global Scope

Variables declared outside any function or block are in the global scope. These variables are accessible from anywhere in the code.

var globalVar = 'I am a global variable'

function showGlobalVar() {
  console.log(globalVar) // I am a global variable

Local Scope (Function Scope)

Variables declared inside a function are in the local scope. These variables are only accessible within the function.

function showLocalVar() {
  var localVar = 'I am a local variable'
  console.log(localVar) // I am a local variable

console.log(localVar) // ReferenceError: localVar is not defined

Block Scope

Variables declared with let or const within a block (denoted by : e.g., if statement, for loop, or even itself) are block-scoped. They are only accessible within that block.

  let blockVar = 'I am a block variable'
  console.log(blockVar) // I am a block variable

console.log(blockVar) // ReferenceError: blockVar is not defined

Lexical Scope

Lexical scope refers to the visibility of variables in nested functions. Inner functions have access to variables declared in their outer function.

function outerFunction() {
  var outerVar = 'I am an outer variable'

  function innerFunction() {
    console.log(outerVar) // I am an outer variable


Module Scope

In modern JavaScript (ES6 and beyond), modules are files that have their own scope. Variables, functions, and classes declared in a module are not accessible outside the module unless explicitly exported.

// module.js
var moduleVar = 'I am a module variable'

export function showModuleVar() {
  console.log(moduleVar) // I am a module variable

// index.js
import { showModuleVar } from './module'

showModuleVar() // I am a module variable

Script Scope

In browsers, JavaScript running in the context of a <script> tag without the type="module" attribute has script scope. Variables declared in script scope are similar to global scope, but they are confined to the script.

  var scriptScopedVar = 'I am a script-scoped variable'

  function showScriptScopedVar() {
    console.log(scriptScopedVar) // I am a script-scoped variable

  console.log(scriptScopedVar) // I am a script-scoped variable

Understanding these scopes will help you manage variable accessibility and lifetime more effectively, leading to better-structured and more maintainable code.

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